As summer fades into fall, there's nothing quite like an early morning excursion out on the tallgrass prairie. In fact, it's a completely different world.
As warm days give way to cool nights a misty veil of morning fog hangs over the whole of the prairie landscape. |
As morning sunlight spills over the tall grasses they sparkle and shine as though some overly-industrious fairy had come in the night, sprinkling the whole of the prairie with glittering diamond dust... |
...and every cobweb looks as though it has been strung, laced, and outlined with beautiful, glittering diamonds. |
When visiting the tallgrass prairie early in the morning...especially at this time of's easy to see just how many spiders there really are living in North America's tall grasses (an estimated 2 1/2 million individuals per acre) and their glistening gossamer webs are spectacular! 🕸 |
As the sun rises a little higher in the morning sky, the fog quickly fades and the dewy cobwebs begin to dry. |
Soon the late-summer sun is out in full force. The temperature rises and the morning magic is over. The wildflowers, who just moments ago were taking a backseat to the sparkle and shine of diamond dust, are left standing, straight and tall, to endure another happy day on a sun-soaked tallgrass prairie landscape. |
Until next time...
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