Thursday, September 15, 2022

A Tallgrass Prairie Morning

It was a beautiful morning on the tallgrass prairie this morning. The sun was just coming up as I was leaving for work. I left super early and took the long way around. Here are some of the sights that I enjoyed along the way...

Morning Sunrise Over Our Little Town

Sunshine Breaking Forth Over Tallgrass Prairie

Morning Sun and Tall Grasses
(Big Bluestem)

Roadside Wildflowers and Tall Grasses
Bur Marigold and Big Bluestem
(Bidens aristosa and Andropogon gerardii)

Bur Marigold
(a.k.a Tickseed Sunflower or Beggar's Tick)

White-tailed Doe

A Nursing Doe

It was a beautiful morning to be sure! What are late summer mornings like where you're at?

Until next time...

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Monday, September 5, 2022

A Little Fog on the Prairie

It was a little foggy Saturday morning. I took these photos on my way into work and, as you can see, it got less foggy the further I went.

Twin Bucks

The Herd

A Lone Bull Amidst Sumac

Stepping Out Into the Open

Tallgrass Priarie

Sunshine in the Midst of Fog

Gossamer Threads Strung with Pearls of Dew 

Until next time...

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A Late Arrival


Thursday, September 1, 2022

A Late Arrival

Most bison calves arrive at Prairie State Park by late spring, but, occasionally, one comes along much later. 

This little one arrived just a few days ago in late August.

I don't know if it's a boy or girl, yet, but it sure is a cutie!

Bison calves weigh between 30 to 70 pounds at birth and are a pumpkin-orange in color for the first few months. 

Calves are protected, not only by the mother, but by the whole herd.

My co-workers and I call baby bison "pumpkins", but I recently heard another friend describe them as "pennies on the prairie." I kind of like that, too! 

I hope your September is off to a great start!

Until next time...

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